Cambly Kids Basics
What is Cambly Kids?
Cambly Kids tutors
Your child's classroom
kidSAFE Program certification
Curriculum and Methodology
Lesson slides
Why learn online
Why native English speaking tutors
Technical Questions
Test your device or internet connection
Tech issues with a lesson
Devices and browser compatibility
Chrome camera setup
Other technical questions
Your Child's Subscription
Choosing a learning plan
Using your learning plan
Change your child's learning plan
Schedule a lesson
Weekly lessons
Reschedule or cancel
Tutor cancelled or missed lesson
Report a problem with a lesson
Missed lesson
How to subscribe
Update payment information
Cambly Kids' installments
Bought an adult plan by mistake
Refund policy
Get Started
Create a Cambly Kids account
Try Cambly Kids
Quick guide to your Cambly Kids plan
Taking lessons on Cambly Kids
Explore tutors
Manage Account
Manage your child's account
Pause your child's learning plan
Change timezone
Parental PIN
Log in to Cambly Kids
Account deletion
How to submit a request
Can my children share a subscription?
Can I chat on Cambly Classic at the same time that my child has lessons on Cambly Kids?
Is there a referral program for Cambly Kids?
Can I accompany my child during their lessons?
Promoted articles
Schedule a lesson
Weekly lessons
Reschedule or cancel
How to subscribe
Create a Cambly Kids account
Try Cambly Kids
How to submit a request
*One request form per issue. Submitting duplicate tickets, or canceling and resubmitting tickets will delay our response time.
Submit a request*